How can you provide leadership development solutions for managers with tight schedules?

Developing people management skills is an eternal challenge for most of the companies. Leadership trainings are hard to organize, costly and organizations do not have much information about their efficiency.

Trainings revolve around a false assumption: if people understand it, they do it. We all experience it is not true. However there is an innovative way to help managers with tight schedules to train their leadership skills.

There is no company who don’t want to retain employees and increase their engagement level. They recognize the competitive advantage that leaders can add to motivate and keep the best workforce in the company. However, providing them one or two trainings in a year will not bring the desired success. Skills development is the result of longer-term, regular practice supported by follow-up.

Why leadership development is so decisive nowadays?

Towers Watson or Gallup concluded in their surveys about employee engagement that many of the key factors that determine workplace engagement are related to people management. It is the leaders of the team who empower individuals and create the opportunity for them to excel, or not. It is the leaders who help articulate a compelling and relevant vision. It is the leaders who demonstrate praise-worthy values, or not.

How does Act2Manage help you?

  • Saves time by on-the-job use
  • Less than 3-5 minutes of practice
  • Mobile, can be accessed anytime and anywhere
  • Focus on turning knowledge into action
  • Gamified solution with strong focus on positive psychology and behavioral science

It has a proven track record in large enterprises like Audi, MOL, Magyar Telekom, Generali, Siemens, Allianz, K&H Bank, Vodafone.

Click here for a free trial.

Act2Manage Application

An interactive, gamification-based, practice-oriented leadership development application that provides immediate help and enables follow-up to the most common dilemmas.

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