The major pitfall of training programs is that they fail to establish a link between acquiring knowledge and putting it into practice. The Act2Manage app is a powerful on-the-job support to bridge the knowing-doing gap.
Trainings and leadership development programs revolve around a false assumption: if managers know it then they do it. Instead of classroom trainings we offer everyday workplace experiences and interactions in our blended learning programs.
Human development solutions have almost exclusively been focusing on fixing weaknesses and shortcomings. We provide a more efficient way to outstanding performance for managers and emplyoees as well.
Teaching change management theories do not make people committed to what they are actually expected to do. We may get people excited about a change, but it seldom translates into sustainable results. Behavioural science can help us link initiatives to business outcomes.
a boutique company for improving employee engagement. Critical thinking is the core of our philosophy, thus we carefully improve our solutions with the latest behavioural- and neuroscience research findings to deliver measurable result. Our goal is to provide proven solutions to Team Leaders and Managers that enable them to reach excellence and sustainable performance.
Offers customisable, on the spot solutions for the most frequent people management dilemmas and situations to boost leadership behaviours and improve employee engagement.
Provides instant, immediately applicable support for employees to deliberately resolve work-situations and develop their skills, performance and career on-the-job.
Supports behavioural change towards lean leadership by answering questions related to managing people and processes, as well as establishing related workplace habits.
Enhances the lean perspective and knowledge of employees working in process improvement. Fosters lean culture by transferring knowledge into practice, implementing specific actions.
Covers the fundamental people management practices that show the highest correlation to employee engagement. It combines job context workshops, dual coachings and on-the-job support to maximise the impact.
Based on strength approach, our program fosters self-awareness and allows deeper level connection to other team members. Team cohesion, commitment and accountability are enhanced by agreeing on an agile, shared priority and systemic follow-up sessions.
This program combines the development of people management fundamentals with the principles of Lean Leadership and the practical application of Lean tools both in production and in office environments.
Drawing on the 21st century findings of behavioural- and neuroscience, our advanced program helps seasoned leaders improve performance, retention and more effective change management.
Managers who build on their strengths and those of their team members spectacularly outperform others who focus on fixing their weaknesses. The program helps managers build on their natural talents to establish their most authentic leadership style.
The program aims at raising awareness and supporting team members to capitalise on their strengths and use them deliberately in their everyday work to be more engaged and more productive.
We support business units to define behaviours that navigate employees through the change initiatives to improve business outcomes, culture and make the new conditions sustainable and permanent.
to support their managers
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