Why practicing does not make you excellent?

Over the past few weeks, we had intensive discussions with clients and colleagues about how to become an excellent leader, trainer or an oustanding expert. The widespread logic suggests us that a few days training + exercising a lot is the right way to be an expert. It makes sense at first, however there are some issues with this approach. Besides the short-term impact a training provides, the whole logic is based on several false assumptions.

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Posted in: ENG

10 trends in digitalizing L&D

A few weeks ago we delivered an interactive session at MERIT Singapore, an HR conference titled Smart Learning. Agile Business. We carried out a quick on-line poll with the participants (Senior HR Managers, Talent Management and L&D professionals) to figure out if their companies apply digital tools in leadership development. 54% replied yes, while the other half of our respondents are still fully analogue in this area.

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Posted in: ENG