Act2Manage – When dreams come true

Checking our calendar, we had a kick-off meeting at the beginning of 2021 and started dreaming about the 4.0 version of our Act2Manage leadership development application. And now, we have just released the improved version including most of those dreams. It is a major change from professional perspective as well, we implemented a number of new functions based on behavioural science and neuroscience.
A2M 4.0

What did we dream of that have come true in this release?

  • the most important of all the new features is that the logic of “levels” in our microlearning courses has been replaced by the system of learning journeys
  • there are pre-set learning journeys compiled by our experts for a variety of user needs (just been promoted to manager, wants to become a people developer, aims at building a more cohesive team, intends to increase efficiency, aspires to step forward in career, has been charged with a new project etc.)
  • it has become possible to construct company specific, customised learning journeys
  • users can also set their own learning journeys as they wish, with only a few clicks
  • a cool “My Progress” page has been developed that serves as a dashboard to track learning progress
  • the speed of the application has increased significantly
  • there has been a complete design change with better UX
  • search functionality has become more simple and straightforward
  • it is now much easier and faster to make commitments, not only for Act2Manage content but also related to other leadership development initiatives at our customer companies, no matter if we attach the app to our own programs or in-house corporate ones (our recent, data-driven research confirms that blended programs increase learning impact compared to “digital only” or “in-person only” programs)
  • 4.0 already offers dark mode option for your convenience
  • we further enhanced the built-in chat (social learning) function with a bunch of possibilities people are used to in other applications
  • Act2Manage continues to be available in four languages: English, German, Bulgarian and Hungarian

“And one more thing” (ok, three)

  • REOSS, the leading international operational excellence solutions provider partnered with us to offer high quality Lean Management content in Act2Manage for client companies going through lean transformation
  • Act2Manage 4.0 is now capable of hosting any other professional content that allows itself for a similar logic for on-the-job learning and aims at behavioural change
  • relevant learning journeys can now be provided for employees who wish to improve as well, not only for managers

All the exciting further developments that we have planned for the second release have already been specified and handed over to our tech colleagues. I would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved in making this 4.0 version happen: Act2Manage co-founders, colleagues at Menedzsmentor and the whole team working at our software development partner including project managers, programmers, designers and last but not least, their “spiritual leader”, Norbi. 

If you are an HR professional/leader or a corporate executive interested in the 4.0 version of Act2Manage, we are happy to present it to you, and explain in more detail how we have harnessed behavioural science and neuroscience in helping leadership development by turning new or existing people management knowledge to action.

Act2Manage Application

An interactive, gamification-based, practice-oriented leadership development application that provides immediate help and enables follow-up to the most common dilemmas.

Get info and request a free trial!

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