Tamas Cservenyak

Teaching Human Beings at Work

Transform your training approach with insights from neuroscience and real-life experiences, making learning engaging and effective for the participants. Discover how to inspire motivation for learning and mastery in any workplace or educational setting.

teaching Human Beings at Work (1)

If you want your trainings to be more effective and enjoyable

In adulthood, nearly everyone ends up in situations where they have to help others learn, even if they don’t do it as a full-time job in education or work. From team leaders to CEOs, developing colleagues is part of the gig. More experienced workers often find themselves mentoring newbies, while engineers and experts hold internal training sessions to share crucial knowledge.

So how do these people usually teach? Typically, by following the methods they experienced as learners. This often leads to groans when people hear they have to attend yet another training session, sighing over the wasted workday. 

Based on the recent finding of neuroscience and the decades of corporate training background from the author, his e-book aims to get you thinking about your own teaching or training approach at work or elsewhere. It zeroes in on how you can make your trainings more engaging and yield better results.


Main benefits of the book

  • How do people learn? – Neuroscience background made easy to understand
  • 10 ways of how NOT TO teach – Widespread training and teaching practices to avoid, and what to do instead
  • The Ten Commandments of Teaching – What you should focus on to deliver much better training programs or sessions

About the Author

Tamás Cservenyák has been working with leaders in various capacities for over 25 years. Together with his colleagues at Act2Manage, they have guided more than 150 groups through their six-month Deliberate Leadership programs, working with both local and international manufacturing companies, IT and retail businesses, financial service providers, the SSC sector, and a Big Four audit firm.

For three years, he was a member of the board of the International Coach Federation’s Hungarian Chapter, and in 2012, he served as the President of the local organization. Since 2010, he has been the author of a popular leadership blog and six e-books on leadership and teaching. Previously, he worked as a KPMG Academy faculty member and served as Managing Partner at DBM Hungary.

author, Cservenyak Tamas

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